Saturday, February 07, 2009

Delhi street scenes

I remembered why I was here and grabbed my camera, heading out for lanes unknown. There are many meandering lanes in this part of Delhi, too narrow for a car, and the advantage of a busy place is that there are lots of people to take photos of. Everyone was very kind, to a person, and most everyone consented to have their picture taken. I always ask if it's OK, and the kind of photos I take wouldn't be very fun if I was trying to be sneaky. I used to take those kind of pics back in the day, but they just aren't the same.

I starting watching a group, mostly kids, playing some game on the street with marbles. Sort of a poor man's golf. The gregarious older guy in the group, Rajinder, grabbed me and I ended up a happy competitor. The small crowd erupted when I did something right. Rajinder then dragged me off to see his multi-story, rabbit-warren of a house, more like a small compound. I met about 20 of his relatives and we had chai. Delightful.

Do me a favor and don't look at the small versions of the photos below. There are more photos here, which will open in slideshow mode.


(The End)